Google finally caught on. Simply buying thousands of social bookmarks and twitter followers isn’t working to help increase site ranking like before. However, spreading your site across a variety of social mediums can help your site authority as well as gain natural traffic. Since social media has become an vital part of today’s information sharing, creating pages across multiple platforms can boost outreach to all corners of the web.
Social Bookmarking
The term “social bookmarking” refers to the method of organization and storage of resources by internet users. Through these social bookmarking platforms, files themselves are not shared, just the bookmarks that reference them. A common form of social bookmarking would be some program that allows users to save specific links to web pages that they want to go back to, or share with others. Popular social bookmarking sites of today include StumbleUpon, Digg,, and Delicious.StumbleUpon
As one of the most popular social bookmarking sites, StumbleUpon is a rather simple idea that has exploded in usage over the past two years. As long as you have the toolbar installed on your computer, you can submit any site to the StumbleUpon database. There is no way to submit directly from the website without the toolbar, though. Pages submitted on to StumbleUpon get classified to certain categories and potentially can reach thousands of people. If your site does particularly well amongst the interest group it enters, and if it receives many likes, it will spread across other interests and be seen even more. Submitting your sites to StumbleUpon will give them the opportunity to be seen, liked, and shared at no cost to you.Digg
Although Digg’s influence has slightly fallen off recently, the links received are still powerful. By consistently submitting your content to Digg, you might strike the gold mine and get on the homepage. This chance is extremely slim, though. Still, by making several accounts and giving your site some “Diggs,” its authority will slowly aggregate and you have an opportunity to get your page off the ground and in to the eyes and computer screens of many other internet
Not a very well known site, integrates all different parts of the social networking experience in to one single site. Everything on the site is made public, and media can be inserted into every post. Community pages are huge on and can help the founders with site promotion or even monetize the page with ads. With a Google PageRank of 8, this site is great for getting pages indexed in to Google. Although the usage of the site pales monstrously in comparison to sites like StumbleUpon and Digg, offers a lot of potential if you are willing to look in to it.Delicious
Not nearly as large as it once was, Delicious still claims several million users globally, and is one of the early social bookmarking sites. Operating off of a categorical submission system, Delicious is extremely easy to submit to, and will help boost the crawl rate of your site. Similarly with Digg, your site (if popular enough) has the opportunity to make the “hotlist” on the site’s homepage, which can help drive natural traffic back to your site. Although its popularity has not seen much increase in recent years, Delicious is still one of the bigger social bookmarking sites currently in use on the web. Since all bookmarks posted to Delicious are publicly viewable, posting pages of your site to it can sort of force Google to crawl it faster and more often.Social Networking
Social Networking sites have become the most widely used form of website on the internet (besides Google, of course) and have become an integral part in how people of today manage their social lives. It is a weird topic to discuss, but social networks like Facebook infiltrate all age groups, and have slowly become a preferred form of communication amongst most people. The scope and reach of social networking sites is so monstrous, as it allows certain things to spread virally through millions of people in a matter of minutes. News of a catastrophic incident like the shooting massacre in Colorado this past week can spread out from the source and into the eyes of millions within the first 30 minutes. Capitalizing on this extreme connectivity will help your site rank higher in Google, as well as drive real, interested people to your site. The most popular social networking sites today include Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.Google+
Google+, not as big as Google’s social networking team had hoped for, however, for SEO purposes there is a lot of valuable stuff to gain from using this site. There slightly new approach to social networking puts your friends, family, work buddies, etc., in different “circles” to which you can share things. Its like having a file cabinet with everyone you know perfectly organized neatly in to little manila folders. Like with all other social sites, gaining some recognition and following through Google+ would obviously be helpful, however, the real SEO gold comes from somewhere else. This site is Google’s own house! Obviously the data contracted from this site will be skewed in importance compared to competitors sites. When using Google+, Google will auto-ping your domain, helping you get indexed faster and rise in the rankings quicker. Google values this data very highly, so creating Google+ pages will definitely help you out in your quest for a higher rank.Social Sharing
Imagine taking social bookmarking sites and social networking sites and throwing them in a martini mixer with a bunch of ice cubes and a tooth-pick speared olive, shake the living hell out of it and viola, you get Social Sharing sites. These sites are sort of a new breed in the overall social networking world, but have more potential for site rank than most people and SEO’s simply pass over. Social sharing sites take the link sharing of social bookmarking and the social outreach of social networks, and join them together in the search engine optimization treasure chest everyone in the SEO industry searches for. The most popular social sharing sites surging in use as of now include, Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and
Although most people have not heard of this site,’s creators designed this social platform as a way to spread the billions of pieces of unique content we make daily. This site is perfect for data graphs and even more importantly, infographics. Making a short graphic for your site and posting it on will earn you a very powerful backlink and the possibility for social recognition.Tumblr
The teenage girl’s favorite media style blog, this social sharing site can be very powerful in ranking a site. Tumblr’s format and target audience might not be the best one to delve in for a 50 year old man; however, the availability of natural backlinks and social recognition is definitely there. By posting soe uniquely natural content first, before posting your own site’s things will give your links added value. Tumblr is different from other social sharing sites like Reddit because it deals primarily with media posts, such as pictures, videos, and gifs.Just to reiterate, THEY HAVE TO BE GOOD. Pinterest is a game changer in the SEO world if you know how to properly utilize its sharing potential. Content posted for the purpose of gaining re-pins won’t get them if its boring, spammy, or unoriginal. The key to breaking open this chest of gold is to create original content that has the versatility to be shared amongst all users. Given, that is much easier said than done, and only the best can make viral content on a regular basis. Either way, Pinterest is great even if you only get a few re-pins, as the authority you gain will be worth it in the long run.
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